Sunday, August 4, 2013

Watercolor stitching & a Tom Waits art show

I'm really, really having fun with the stitching into watercolor paper.

WIP, Size 5 Pearl cotton over 140 lb watercolor paper.

Especially the layering of a the stitched grid over the painted, 140 lb paper. So much more satisfying than stitching into the pages of my sketchbook, but I'm still doing that, too.

Saturday stitching.

Very excited to see the article in Art Papers about Aubrey Longley-Cook's cross stitch animation project! (Geeky as it sounds, I felt proud to see my name in there, too.)

Art Papers, July/August 2013.

Finally, how cool does this jurried exhibition in at the arc studios & gallery in San Francisco sound?

I think I need to design a piece and submit it. A show featuring Tom Waits-inspired artwork? Should I try??


  1. Yes you should try. This exhibit sounds like it was made for you!

    1. Aww, thanks! I've been thinking of images since I read about the show. So very many options...
